Author: Heckburn Law |

Often allegations of domestic violence happen during or just prior to the breakdown of a marriage or common-law relationship. Usually, the individual charged is removed from the home and is held for a bail hearing. The next step would be for yourself and your child to get a restraining order for safety and arranging a child access and child support schedule. Heckburn Law can advocate for you and your children’s behalf and this is one of the best routes to go through. Anyone can be the victim of family violence, but children and dependent adults are the most vulnerable. Abuse is wrong regardless of the relationship.

This occurs whenever there is an imbalance of power and control within a relationship. Experiencing this act of violence can be devastating and stressful. If you are experiencing any or all of the following:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Gender-Based Violence

Heckburn Law would like you to know you are not alone during this process. Heckburn Law will help you in obtaining the following:

  • Restraining Order
  • Safety Plan
  • Child(ren) Custody